why are superchargers better than turbochargers ?

Superchargers vs Turbochargers as we know that superchargers are way more powerfull than turbochargers for an example lets see you have heard of twin turbo means two turbos for same engine but have you ever heard of twin supercharger right i also havent because a single supercharger is enough to give much power than twin turbo . "you know that turbo charger gives instant power when rpm revs up but a super charger needs some speed or you can say rotations to generate power ." I'll tell why? you know that turbocharger works on the kinetic energy of gases prodused by the engine so when the rpm of the engine increases it generates more hot gases which travel fast through turbo charger then it generates more power BUT supercharger dosent work like that it is working on mechanical energy that its connected to belt of crank shaft so it need more speed {more rotations }to produce more power . CONCLUTION.... turbocharger gives instant power and torque but when supercharger gets ...